A Shower of April Writing Prompts!

Great writing springs from a nurtured imagination. These April writing prompts will nurture your students' creative fancies! Browse through the following ideas, and click on the link at the bottom of the page. Print a copy to make an overhead transparency for classroom use, or distribute individual copies for student journals.
  • Imagine that you are a tree. What kind of tree are you? Why are you important to the earth? Give specific reasons.
  • Imagine that some form of natural disaster (hurricane, wildfire,etc.) was about to destroy your home. What would you save and why?
  • You are an ant. Describe your adventures on the ground.
  • You are a bird. What kind of bird are you? Discuss your adventures in the air.
  • What makes an object useful? In your opinion, what is the world's most useful object? Why do you think so? Give specific resaons.
  • Why are laws and rules necessary? Give examples.
  • Who knows you better than anyone else? Why? Describe this person.
  • Should weekends be longer or shorter? Provide specific reasons.
  • What is happiness to you? Illustrate in detail.
  • How would our lives be different if no one had invented the car or "motorized transportation?" Analyze in detail.
  • What is your favorite children's book? Give a summary of the plot and list reasons why others might enjoy it also.
  • Like Rip Van Winkle, you will asleep for twenty years. Evaluate your experiences when you wake up. How has the world changed?
  • What qualities make a good role model for kids? In your opinion, who is the best role model today? Why do you think so?
  • What three things would you advise people to do in order to lead healthier lives and why?
  • Explorer Ponce de Leon searched for the fountain of youth. What would life be like today,if such a fountain truly existed and he'd found it?
  • If you could break any sports record, what would it be? Describe in detail the moment you break this record.
  • You are allowed to time travel to any era of past history. Where will you go? During which centuries? Describe your adventures once you get there.
  • What's your favorite board game and why?
  • What things in your community or city need to be fixed or improved?
  • Imagine a day without erasers! Describe that day in detail.
  • In your opinion, what is the most serious environmental problem we face? Why do you think so? What can people do to correct this problem?
  • Plan an Earth Day celebration. What activities would you include that would encourage people to care for the environment?
  • You are an alien from another universe. Your spacecraft is hovering above your school. You have highly advanced eyeglasses that allow you to see through buildings. You are completely unfamiliar with humans and human activities. Describe what you see as you look down into the school buildings.
  • As Gwen stepped into the time machine to travel into the distant past, she remembered the three steps the professor gave her: to dial her destination, to_________, and to___________.
  • Mark dashed down Oak Street, stumbled into the jewelry store, and slapped a thousand dollars onto the counter."I need an engagement ring!" he shouted.
  • What kind of young child were you? What did you like and dislike? How is your younger self similar and different to the person you are now?
  • What will you be doing ten years from now? What will you have accomplished? How will the future you be similar to the person you are now? How will you be different?
  • You are living in your dream house. What's it like?
  • you have studied to be a teacher. What subjects do you teach and why? What do you want your students to learn?
  • What are the most special things to you about each of the four seasons. Describe in detail.